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RECIPE: Pheasant Noodle Soup

Jason J. Crighton

For those of you who stopped by the blog last week, you found a recipe for Pheasant Stock. You might be wondering...what in the world would I do with homemade Pheasant Stock? For me, I use it all the time. Any time a recipe calls for chicken stock, I substitute in my Pheasant Stock.

For a bit more specific use, though, I find it's best use is in a noodle soup. Nothing reminds me of home on a cold, winter evening like a warm noodle soup. Of course, since I am an outdoors-man with 2 hunting dogs that I take pheasant hunting, there is a freezer full of pheasant breast!


You're tasting flavor

We are used to bland foods from the grocery store. Using pheasant stock and pheasant meat will provide a fuller and more robust flavor...not gaminess.

Be a breast-man

For first time wild game diners, it's best to stick with just the breast meat. The rest of the bird has stronger flavors that many people aren't ready for.

Use cast iron

Precook/saute all ingredients in the same cast iron dutch oven you will simmer the soup in. This helps to impart flavor from those tiny stuck-on pieces of goodness.

Rinse those noodles

Precook your noodles in a separate pot. Once your done, rinse with running water. Doing this will keep them from sticking together and keep your finished soup clear.

Pheasant Noodle Soup


  • 6 Pheasant breast halves, chunked

  • 5 T butter

  • 5 Green onions, chopped (separate white from green)

  • 2 Stalks celery, 1/4" sliced

  • 2 Large carrots, 1/4 " sliced

  • 5 Medium shiitake mushrooms, sliced

  • 2 T garlic, minced

  • 1 Large bay leaf

  • 1 C white wine

  • 1 lb noodles (egg noodles, orzo, soup pasta)

  • 6 C pheasant stock


  1. Heat 3 T butter in cast iron dutch oven, then add pheasant breast chunks and cook thoroughly.

  2. Remove and reserve pheasant pieces.

  3. Add remaining 2 T butter, mushrooms, and white parts of green onions and saute over medium heat.

  4. Add carrots, celery, and garlic and cook until soft.

  5. Pour in the white wine and allow to boil for 1-2 minutes to deglaze the pan.

  6. Add the bay leaf, pheasant stock, and pheasant meat and stir to combine.

  7. Allow soup to simmer for 15-20 minutes.

  8. Cook noodles in a separate pot, drain, and rinse with water.

  9. Remove the bay leaf and add the noodles and salt and pepper to taste.

  10. Serve with the green parts of the green onions as garnish.

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